Thursday, August 03, 2006
Georgie is ONE
This time last year we were all feeling very chuffed about the safe landing of Miss Georgina Grace, viz:
From memory, 11 and a half pounds and it was ALLLLL baby. Ye gods and little fishes (AND it broke my record of 10 pounds 2 oz, huzzah!).
She's since come on considerably - wiping all that gooey stuff off her face and getting on with her campaign to drool over most of the known Universe before she finishes teething.
She also has my brother (her Dad) sorted out - here he is allowed to hold the bowl while she dibbles and dabbles - and he thinks this is the best.thing.EVAH. *snorfle*
She has the sweetest laugh and there's a fabulous video Warwick shot of her crawling down the hallway and squeaking and giggling while he "chases" her and then she hides behind Mum (my sister in law Nici) and decides that's all a bit boring, so she roars out from behind Nici's legs and goes like a bullet for the camera.
I think we'll keep her.