Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Four Generations erv Craftiness
It was an odd sort of time, took me a week to unwind and then another week to get in the groove and of course it was then time to come back to the Pit of DESPAIR (aka the Melbun Yewni Grads Unit, we don't have odd little Igor-like albinos played by Mel Smith, but we have just about every other oddness peculiar to your self-respecting Pit O' Despair and DUME).
Then went up to Albury on the Queen's Birthday to see the family and get some serious crafting done. As you can see, I finally finished off the Snuggy Project for Isabel and Josephine.
I'd done the patchwork a gazillion years ago but needed to consult with my patchwork-queen sister about the filling and the backing and actual quilting and all sorts of other technical terms as well. I'm more your "hey, I had this idea!" and then sort out the technical stuff by throwing myself at the feet of the experts and claiming to be a Bear of Very Little Brain kind of person than able to actually apply myself to learning a craft properly. (Note: on the whole, this approach works much better than it should!)
There was a LOT of swearing and two sewing machines going non-stop for some hours, but the end result worked out pretty well and the girls were delighted. The picture doesn't show the very pretty details of some of the fabrics, but Josie has stars and little pink bugs on hers and Isabel has butterflies going on.
This picture actually involves four generations - the white cotton thread we used to assemble everything was from my maternal grandmother's stash; the 100% cotton actil sheets we used from the backing are my mother's old ones (still pretty bloody nice let me tell ya - very soft and not too worn and SUCH good quality, oy vey!); my sister and I assembled the quilts; and the girls will use them.
We put the snuggies on their beds in their nice newly-painted pink bedroom and I looked at Brony and said "Well that should get them up to going off to Uni..." and that's only another ten years, fate and money permitting. Oh eep. What if a fifth generation gets to snuggle down under one of these? Bizarre bizarre bizarre.