Saturday, April 01, 2006

*pathetic sniffle*

On the up side, I actually slept quite well last night - the lurgy is slowly loosening its death-tentacles.

On the down side, I woke up all warm and snuggly on a Saturday morning, with the wind howling and the rain pouring outside (just about my fave reason for staying in bed) and I had to get up to come into work and graduate students.

On the other side (presumably the one in the other dimension) from my office window ("office" + "saturday" = WRONG WRONG WRONG) I can see said students and their families doing inadvertant Marcel Marceau impersonations, which cheers me up not a little. (Yes, at events all over Melbourne today, like the Grand Pricks and....other occasions, people will be clutching at themselves as the wind, rain and hail come down upon them....hee hee hee. Oh, I am SO going to Heck.)

Two ceremonies today. I made big puppy-dog eyes and looked sick and pathetic at a couple of people here and they agreed to do the bits I would normally have to to do on stage, so at least I can save some of my strength for liederfest.

Which is tonight. I'm feeling prepared, and Tom and I should acquit ourselves nicely. But the lurgy is still with me and we shall see how much it affects the old "what fatal illness? oh THAT fatal illness. Nah - didn't feel a thing while I was performing" miracle thingie.

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Hope your recital went well, despite your cold!

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