Friday, April 07, 2006

Bunnies, bunnies everywhere

It's coming up to Easter, judging by the number of rabbits that are appearing in my inbox.

They're breeding like - well, you know.

Bunny No. 1 - A Future Heirloom

My sister was moved to produce the following for Miss Georgina, seeing as she's a little young for the chocolate-smearing fiesta that will no doubt be perpetrated by her cousins:

Apparently her name is Lopsy Bunny, seeing as she's a little uneven and lopsided. I think she's rather adorable, regardless. She has that rabbit-in-the-headlights look anyway!

I would never have thought to make a bunny out of towelling, but when you consider Georgie is the Drool Monster, it makes all kinds of sense.

Don't you just love the outfit? That pink ribbon sash is just so very.

Bunnies Nos 2 & 3 - Didn't you always suspect as much?

This is from Louisa and I was glad I was not ingesting food or drink when it arrived:

Saturday, April 01, 2006

*pathetic sniffle*

On the up side, I actually slept quite well last night - the lurgy is slowly loosening its death-tentacles.

On the down side, I woke up all warm and snuggly on a Saturday morning, with the wind howling and the rain pouring outside (just about my fave reason for staying in bed) and I had to get up to come into work and graduate students.

On the other side (presumably the one in the other dimension) from my office window ("office" + "saturday" = WRONG WRONG WRONG) I can see said students and their families doing inadvertant Marcel Marceau impersonations, which cheers me up not a little. (Yes, at events all over Melbourne today, like the Grand Pricks and....other occasions, people will be clutching at themselves as the wind, rain and hail come down upon them....hee hee hee. Oh, I am SO going to Heck.)

Two ceremonies today. I made big puppy-dog eyes and looked sick and pathetic at a couple of people here and they agreed to do the bits I would normally have to to do on stage, so at least I can save some of my strength for liederfest.

Which is tonight. I'm feeling prepared, and Tom and I should acquit ourselves nicely. But the lurgy is still with me and we shall see how much it affects the old "what fatal illness? oh THAT fatal illness. Nah - didn't feel a thing while I was performing" miracle thingie.

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